Sitemap - 2023 - Superb Owl
How to Start a Meditation Practice
Exegesis: Funkadelic's "Maggot Brain"
The Link Between Meditation and Inner Work
Exegesis: Stalker and Roadside Picnic
Why Does Depression Suck So Much?
Church of Reality: Ernst Mach on Mind, Matter, and the Illusion of Self
Contra Ozy Brennan on Ameliatarianism
The Science of Emergent Phenomena
You Don't Always Have to be Rational
The Shapes of Stories with ChatGPT
Beware the Variable-Maximizers
Who will be first AI to earn legal personhood?
Active Dreaming: Methods, Habits, and Drugs
Jungian Psychology, Minus the Nonsense
Church of Reality: Max Planck on Idealism and the Role of Faith in Science