Absolutely love your work Mr Goodbird and I can't wait for another year of it. Always humbling to get a mention from someone I deeply respect. Keep up the good work

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Thanks, looking forward to more TLP!

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I'm glad I found your writing, Max! You hit conceptual notes that very few others do. Congrats on this milestone and looking forward to many more in the future :)

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Hi Max! I’m immensely glad you feel so positively about your writing, the space you are writing in, & this science-philosophy-spirituality community. It’s great to see that anywhere, but especially online with the temptations of anonymity & “no consequence” bad behavior (its not no-personal-consequence, this is an illusion). Best of luck on building your columns and your career goals.

Remember to plan vacations!!!

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Congrats on the milestone and appreciate the dedication and effort you put into your writing. I’ve added your publication to my recommendations. Hope that helps other readers discover your work!

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Thanks Alyssa, appreciate the support!

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Congratulations! As another owl fan I appreciate your wordplay. Also the piece of this where you mention finding a tribe spoke to me, your pieces do the same for me. I look forward to reading your pieces and I’ll stop and immediately read whenever they come up. I hope you reach your goal!

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Congratulations Max! I’m quite new to your page but I have enjoyed all the posts I’ve read and I’m huge fan of the ideas you discuss and the way you present those ideas. I look forward to reading more of your pieces and I wish you the best of luck in growing your Substack.

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Thanks Michael! I've been enjoying Curious Platypus as well. Always nice to see another Adjective Animal publication around :P

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Thanks Max.

Adjective Animal Publications for the win haha.

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Congrats! Looking forward to another year.

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Thanks Alaina! Looking forward to seeing the rest of Infinizine :)

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I just read your about page, very interesting (& I thought you were female, what sort of scotch do you drink?). My husband knew three guys all of whom took psychedelics and ended up in institutions, so congratulations on coping. Biblically (I am not religious at all) you/they 'forced the kingdom of God' which is apparently quite a dangerous thing to do. I can't help looking back through to the 60's when psychedelics became popularised with 'On the Road' and 'Fear & Loathing' etc., pretty sure it was manufactured to be this way due to .. dare I say, celestial timing.

I took a little acid as a youth but just a little, a couple of trips (I'm gen.X). When the Kundalini went off it was just like an acid trip but longer and more intense than anything I'd experienced prior. Like you I jumped on every book that might give up the secrets of what happened but went towards esoteric stuff like Guénon, Evola and Coomaraswamy, then realised it bled in to cutting edge plasma physics. Truly the bridge between science and spirituality.

Glad to find your writing.

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> I thought you were female

Taking this as a compliment! :) I don't drink much scotch but Oban and Laphroaig are favorites

I hadn't heard of Guénon--will have to check him out. I do love the esoteric stuff, but I find it's often full of compelling-but-untrue ideas. Which are often valuable (at least if they're not explicitly *false* ideas), but need to be treated carefully.

Thanks for reading!

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I used to have a thing for auld Glen Morangie. Holy smoke it was amazing.

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Congrats Max (great name BTW). Happy to support this publication with a paid subscription, it’s one of my favorites. Fascinating and culturally important writing. Im really looking forward to reading the Exegesis!

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Thanks Dawson! Looking forward to reading more Orbis Tertius as well

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Love the update! As a reader (now subscriber), I'm glad you're committed to the slow march of self-supporting yourself through writing!

Did endorsements or mentions from other popular bloggers help drive considerable traffic?

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Thanks! Yeah some of the bigger ones (e.g. Scott Alexander and SMTM) led to noticeable bumps.

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hey congrats on the substack anniversary, Max. You put out really interesting work, please do keep writing! I really do hope the next year brings you much more success, you deserve it

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Likewise! Looking forward to more Novum

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