Feb 7Liked by Max Goodbird

The 2 meditation techniques. What the buddhists call samatha and vipassana. What the raja yogis call meditation with a seed and meditation without a seed. Are referred to by some as shrink and grow.

Which fits quite nicely.

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Yeah, but being once again an infant is, in fact, levelling up, paradoxically. Jesus spoke directly about this, about the need to become as little children again, and there's also something related in the Tao Te Ching. I'm curious though, Chogyam Trungpa described enlightenment as the sky turning into a blue pancake and landing on your head. In the end, does that make sense to you? It does to me now (definitely not when I first read it).

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Feb 4·edited Feb 6Author

Hah what a strange quote. It does resonate, but it’s one of those poetic metaphors that I find frustratingly vague.

Being able to move between the infantile state and a normal waking state at will would definitely be a remarkable skill, and something I might consider “leveling up”. But I really try to avoid that way of thinking, because it sends too many people on an ego trip (myself included!)

And Chogyam Trungpa, coincidentally, is a great example of how someone with access to these states can end up on a wild ego trip and hurt lots of people.

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Jan 29Liked by Max Goodbird

Fascinating read; I think this is why I subscribed to Superb Owl back in the day. Observations are very accurate and highly distilled - a certain rival to Ai.

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Jan 28Liked by Max Goodbird

The full jump can't really be described any other way. 'God' talks to you, an unmistakable sort of buzz, and death is on the cards but it's an acceptable trade-off for "meeting God". All the comfort you can experience and create with the meditative outer body states helps. If one can relax and try to continue living normally while entertaining the sheer out-of-your-untold-fucking-headness of it, it is a true blast, the experience of a lifetime, but people also go quite mad because they have exactly zero point of reference. Thank heavens psychotropic drugs existed in the 90's to give Gen.X a heads-up, haha...

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