I keep thinking of the moral question around slavery, and how we currently enslave animals for our food production. It's only been a century-plus that we've decided that enslaving humans was morally reprehensible, so this is still so new. We're starting to examine this on the fringes - will there ever be an "emancipation proclamation" moment for factory-farmed animals? And will that same moment for A.I. come before or after?

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I think there's also a question of what a super-powerful slave AI is capable of in the control of a whimsical, unstable person.

Imagine a Russian slave AI that Putin has the password to. An AI with an intelligence equivalent to 500x that of a base human. What happens if, in an Alzheimer's fueled rage, he tells it to take everyone opposed to him and every non-Russian person and put them in an sustained, permanent, undying state of torture?

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